Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Rest Days

The hardest part about being a perfectionist struggling with OCD and in the middle of a fantastic fitness journey is the Rest Day.

The Rest Day feels like a failure and I cannot explain exactly why. This is the day where I have to remind myself that resting is part of recovery and recovery is when the muscles repair themselves and become stronger. Logically...I get that.

But emotionally I just can't get a grip.

Take for example last Sunday. If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen that for the past six weeks or so, in addition to my normal workout routine, I have been working my way up to a half marathon length run. Well, last Sunday, I reached that goal! I ran 13.1 miles. Okay, okay...I walked mile 7 when I needed to eat, and I ran at a horrendously slow pace the rest of the time. But my feet were moving for 13.13 straight miles.

Then on Monday, I started Lauren Gleisberg's six weeks Beauty and Booty challenge. I did Leg Day on Monday, struggled through Arm Day on Tuesday, tried to do some core work on Wednesday but started Thursday I was exhausted and felt completely wrecked. I went to the chiropractor, but didn't rest. Friday I did HIIT treadmill cardio, arms and shoulders, as well as more core work. Then on Saturday....I didn't workout. Today...I didn't work out. And the guilt has set in.

Now is when I have to remind myself that resting is just as important as working out. Health is a balancing act of mental, emotional, AND physical wellness. Right now, I am completely off balance. I haven't pinpointed the exact problem, or problems, but I forced myself to rest and relax this weekend.

It dawned on me that most people would probably take a day or two off after their first Half Marathon run, but I didn't. I kept pushing and pushing and ran myself right off a cliff. Now, I realize that the recovery stage is crucial.

I have to work on Rest Days to remind myself that I won't lose all my progress in one or two days. I literally repeat in my head "It's okay to rest, it's okay to rest." My biggest fear is waking up the day after a Rest Day and gaining all 60 pounds back and starting over. I know this won't really happen, but mental struggles are not usually rational.

Even though I didn't make any physical gains this weekend, I did make some huge mental and emotional gains. I let myself relax. I let my mind go blank and not worry about a to-do list. I finished chores around the house that made me feel very organized and accomplished. I spent the day out and about with my boys, buying Jaxon some new shoes and jeans. I talked to my husband again and we laughed for miles and miles in the car. I laid around and did nothing. I ignored my phone. I watched a couple of movies. I told myself positive things. I told my son jokes and cuddled and kissed him more than he wanted.

One of the coolest moments was this afternoon when the three of us took a bike ride together around the block. We got Jaxon one of these cool Velo bikes that doesn't have petals. He is getting so good at pushing himself and lifting his feet to glide. His balance amazes me and his coordination is really improving. He probably loved having Mom and Dad ride along side him around the block. And the fact that we shared a half hour of pure, uninterrupted time together as a family was exactly what my heart needed. No phone, no tasks, no guilt. Just the sunset, our bikes and the laughter of my little boy!

And now, Jaxon is sound asleep and Jason is taking time to work in his garage on the race car. Believe it or not I am not meal prepping or folding laundry. I am sitting in my craft room, working in my planner and scrapbooking my Week in the Life! It's a little slice of personal heaven in these quiet two hours before I go to bed and end another weekend. 

If you're on a fitness journey of your own, you have to know the importance of rest days for your physical well-being. Your body needs to that time recover and get stronger before it starts again. But I cannot speak highly enough of the benefits of rest days for your mental and emotional well-being too! I feel so calm and refreshed after two days off that I am now ready to take on the week and offer my best to the world! I hope this week I won't drag myself through the motions like last week. I hope I will have the energy to move mountains and really change people's lives!!

....................Everything is feeling right in this Little Life...................

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week in the Life - Saturday

Oh. My. Goodness.

I started my Saturday by sleeping in until 8:00 AM!! All the Mamas out there probably know that is a miracle with a toddler, as they are very early risers. I felt so refreshed when I woke up on my own, no alarm and no toddler yelling for me in the monitor! Heaven...

Saturday was to be a big, busy day full of girl time and I was so excited!

My days just don't start until I have a blendicano!! Since I "over-slept" today I was behind the planned schedule, and grabbed a protein bar to go as breakfast. Not a recommended habit, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

The boys hit the road early and Jaxon took several naps in the car seat.

I went shopping for the day with my Mom. We went to the outlets and shopped for 5 hours, which is insane, but so much fun!! I tried on several pairs of ankle boots before settling on these ones. I was very hesitant when I bought them, but now a few days later I LOVE them!
My worst habit: shopping. Money just burns a hole straight through my pocket!! I shopped at Loft (the newest obsession, Famous Footwear and Under Armor).
Shopping ended early so that I could get a workout in. Saturday was ALL about the Arm Pump! Arm day is my absolute favorite!
The workout left me feeling big! lol!  
Last gym pic, I promise. #sorrynotsorry
By early evening, the boys were getting antsy being in the truck. Jason sent me this photo of Jaxon playing with his juice jug. He is turning into quite the little personality!
The boys spent Saturday evening at the races in Dodge City, helping a friend with his car. Jaxon feels right at home at the races now, he has fallen in love with it! "Car, Car, Car" all day, every day!


He even knows how to help and what to do with the nuts and bolts. Smartie.  
This picture made me tear up!! Jason documenting his connection with his son, showing me how he feels bonded to Jaxon. These are their matching wrist bands while watching the races. 
I was carbo-loading on Saturday night with pasta like normal. I joked to myself that I can do so many workouts and accomplish things I never thought possible...but I cannot cook spaghetti without calling my husband for help! #wifeyfail

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Week in the Life - Friday

On Friday of Week in the Life the boys were still gone, so I had the day completely free.

A day totally to myself. No boys. No chores. What to do, what to do?

Go to the dentist first thing in the morning...that's what! lol!!

In the dentist chair for a filling. I think I am finally done with dental work for the year. Until 2016, Dr. Joo!
Jaxon and Jason had breakfast at the hotel before heading out for the rest of their long drive.
After my dentist appointment, I met my good friend Melissa at the fairgrounds for the annual consignment sale. I had a hard time finding things in Jaxon's size this year even though there seemed to be rows and rows of items.
I found just a few things for Jax. Mostly sweat pants that I am hoping will be a good length on him while being very tight on the waist. Having a string bean for a son makes it hard to shop for clothes. I also found a nice Columbia jacket for him for only $9! I thought that was a score! 

Melissa was also the biggest sweetheart EVER and finished Jaxon's new quilt for us! I was so excited to get it into his room and see everything put together! It's so cute, I love it all!
I met another good friend Sam out at the airport to practice climbing the rope. We are training hard for the Spartan race in October and this obstacle has been over my head! I want to avoid extra burps at any cost! Once I got over my fear of the dang thing, it was actually easier than I thought! I made it up 16 or so feet, so I felt very accomplished!

After rope training, I went to the Friday night HIIT class and we did a tire workout. These are my favorite workouts, but they are the toughest on me physically because it gets so hot on this black gravel.
When I got home I was trying to get a photo of the house, because I do that every year...
Instead I ended up noticing the crazy red sun! There are some wildfires in Utah, I believe, and we are getting the haze and this bright red sun all day!
I ended the day playing frisbee for a little while with the dogs, until I ruined everything by accidentally throwing it too hard over the fence and the neighbor's dog took our frisbee. Bummer.

That was it for my Friday. Nothing too exciting at all, but it was nice to have a laid back and relaxed day! That may not happen again for a LONG while!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week in the Life - Thursday

Thursday I did not take many photos!!! Eek!
I was busy busy busy at school and Jason and Jaxon took off for their weekend road trip to Texas. Here is what we managed to scrape together:
My title page for Thursday is Jaxon coming out of his room first thing in the morning carrying his blanket and his elephant.
I jumped on the bandwagon of documenting my vitamins: B12, Magnesium,  Glucosamine and  Biotin.
GRRR! I ran out of hairspray first thing in the morning. NOT a good sign!
We tried to keep Jaxon awake most of the day so he would nap in the truck when he and Jason left. He made it to about 1 and then crashed out like this! 
The guys taking a pit stop to let Jaxon run off some energy and ride his bike.
They also found a slide. Jaxon's doing, of course!
Jaxon now has two more state signs in his collection!

While the boys were on the road, I enjoyed dessert while sitting outside.
I tried to do some tidying up, but ended up making a bigger mess!!
I ended the night with some foam rolling, which is a new favorite of mine!! It hurts, but feels so good all at the same time!
Howie spent the evening trying to figure out where the boys were and watching just in case they came back. He misses them already. He's stuck with me now. LOL.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Week in the Life - Wednesday

PHEW! Last week was incredibly busy during Week in the Life! I am struggling a bit back in my classroom, because I don't quite have the first unit ready for level 2 and that is leaving me feeling very stressed!

Anyway, I am finally getting around to updating my Week in the Life posts, so here is what our Wednesday looks like...
I decided to do a square 10x10 album and use the Project Life app so that I get this whole project completed in a timely manner! I chose to use Ali Edwards' daily titles and a large photo as a sort of title page to each day. I know the focus is off on this photo, but I just love it so much it doesn't matter! So what if things are a bit fast paced and blurry right now? We have a very active toddler!

First thing in the morning I always set Jax on the counter and we tell each other secrets and give each other kisses. Our moment together, just us, each day!

The paper pile that drives me nuts but that will never change because that's where hubby likes to keep it all!

These two were having an important discussion in the morning. There stayed like that looking at each other for quite some time.

Wednesday morning chores...always.

The paper clutter also makes me feel frazzled in my classroom.

The most special plant in my gardens and it is finally blooming so beautifully this year. I brought this home from Jason's Uncle's funeral and it has done so well.
While I was still at work, the boys mowed the yard. It looks so green still, it's awesome!
A little adjustment to the bike seat and he's off!

I love when he holds my hand.

The big wide street makes him look so little still and I am definitely okay with that!
We tried taking a selfie with the DSLR and that is a bigger challenge than I thought it would be!

A little bit of a time out because he did not want to pick his blanket and bike up before we left.

*We are not actually driving, just making it look like it* We loaded up in the car and went to the chiropractor and supper together.
It was a busy, full day...but full of blessings and laughter, and that makes all the difference to me in life!