Monday, August 24, 2015

Week in the Life - Wednesday

PHEW! Last week was incredibly busy during Week in the Life! I am struggling a bit back in my classroom, because I don't quite have the first unit ready for level 2 and that is leaving me feeling very stressed!

Anyway, I am finally getting around to updating my Week in the Life posts, so here is what our Wednesday looks like...
I decided to do a square 10x10 album and use the Project Life app so that I get this whole project completed in a timely manner! I chose to use Ali Edwards' daily titles and a large photo as a sort of title page to each day. I know the focus is off on this photo, but I just love it so much it doesn't matter! So what if things are a bit fast paced and blurry right now? We have a very active toddler!

First thing in the morning I always set Jax on the counter and we tell each other secrets and give each other kisses. Our moment together, just us, each day!

The paper pile that drives me nuts but that will never change because that's where hubby likes to keep it all!

These two were having an important discussion in the morning. There stayed like that looking at each other for quite some time.

Wednesday morning chores...always.

The paper clutter also makes me feel frazzled in my classroom.

The most special plant in my gardens and it is finally blooming so beautifully this year. I brought this home from Jason's Uncle's funeral and it has done so well.
While I was still at work, the boys mowed the yard. It looks so green still, it's awesome!
A little adjustment to the bike seat and he's off!

I love when he holds my hand.

The big wide street makes him look so little still and I am definitely okay with that!
We tried taking a selfie with the DSLR and that is a bigger challenge than I thought it would be!

A little bit of a time out because he did not want to pick his blanket and bike up before we left.

*We are not actually driving, just making it look like it* We loaded up in the car and went to the chiropractor and supper together.
It was a busy, full day...but full of blessings and laughter, and that makes all the difference to me in life!

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