Tuesdays are my least favorite days of each week! This week's Tuesday wasn't horrible, it was just blah. We made it through, and that was the highlight of the day.
This morning was very quiet. Jason slept in a little bit and Jaxon slept in a lot bit. It was so peaceful while I was getting ready for the day, it was nice to just breathe and think for a minute! Every year I take a photo of my makeup for my morning routine and it always seems to be different. I wonder what makeup trends will be like ten years from now? |
Besides the fact that I look horrible tired in this photo, I adore it! I don't usually enjoy photos of myself, but this one seems to say a lot. What you might now know: I've been working really hard to learn that hairstyle and it's finally turning out nicely, all those cords hanging down drive me insane, and I am saving those empty toilet paper rolls for a classroom project. I got this photo by setting my DSLR camera on the toilet tank and using the self timer. |
When Jaxon finally woke up, I was still at home eating breakfast, and he always wants bites of my oatmeal. I know this because he puts his finger right on the middle of his tongue and then says "bi, bi" (we are still working on the T sound.) After his bites of food, he ran over to the other side of the couch and flung open the curtains to see if the babysitter was here yet. He is letting the neighborhood know he is awake and ready to play! |
I really struggle with documenting my work life, because I just don't know what is worth including and what isn't. For today, I chose to only show myself, not my classes. It's the first week back so it's all about setting the tone and explaining the classroom expectations. I was feeling a little discouraged already, until I overheard one kiddo in the hallway say something along the lines of "except for Mrs. Brees' class, that one I can see because it's actually useful." They won't ever say it to me, but maybe they do see the value in what I am trying to teach them. |
I asked hubby to take photos this year to help with WIL and he came up with this paperwork photo. It's his least favorite part of the job, so I don't know why he documented in first. But I love that he is taking photos of his daily life too! |
While I was working out, the boys played in the water again. This kiddo loves any type of water! |
Then they worked on taking the potatoes out of the garden box. Potatoes were the ONLY vegetable I grew this year. There was such a long rainy season in the Spring and I was so busy with other things, that I never got any seeds in the ground. We got a lot of potatoes though...the've been sitting there haunting me like the ghost of chores I can never get done. I was so appreciative and thankful that Jason thought to help me out with this. And I know Jaxon probably loved digging in the dirt! |
What is he saying? "It's food, not a ball?" "Don't touch my harvest!" I don't ever know what he's thinking! |
We had Tilapia for supper which is a huge step forward for me. I do not like fish, but know it has nutrients I could really use. Jason loved it. Here I am feeding him some grilled zucchini which he made a disgusted face at but then asked for "mo bi" which means more bites! LOL! |
We watch a little bit of the movie Turbo every. single. day. He is screaming "go toe" for Go Turbo and I am just zoning out! |
I love finishing the day with the foam roller! If you are working out or running or just have back pain or something, this is the best therapy for it that I've found. Today was ALL about the hamstrings and glutes, because my pathetic Monday workout actually made me incredibly sore!
That's my Tuesday! How did it go for everyone else? |
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