The first day of Ali's Week in the Life project also happened to fall on the first day back to school for me. In the rush of getting Jaxon up and ready for the babysitter, trying to eat breakfast...let's be frank, just trying to get out of bed...I forgot ALL about WIL!
I was reminded when Michelle posted on Instagram and I quickly snapped to! Literally...snapping pictures of everything around me!
After an hour of frantically taking photos, I reminded myself to stop, to slow down and remember that this year I really wanted to focus on words and stories more than just photos. I always bank on my photos doing the talking, but then I remember that I will not always remember why those photos were cute/funny/meaningful. Once I took a deep breath and figured out what I really wanted to remember about yesterday, the stories started jumping out at me.
So, I missed most of the day, not remembering about WIL. All I have from before 4 pm is this:
My Passion Planner page to remind me to stay on top of documentation this week.
Afternoon snack. Working on getting protein and carbs in before my workouts in the evenings. |
Every "First Day of School" should start with a Thank You note and Starbucks! |
The bags I carry with me every day: purse/camera bag, gym bag and lunch bag. |
What Mom wouldn't be thrilled to come home to this scene?? Toddler in the middle of a mud hole, running through least he's not crying, kicking and screaming, right? |
More water play. |
Then we moved to the sprinklers when they came on, and this was just too precious to miss. Days of summer are quickly ending (as if they ever seemed to start) and this seemed like a great "summer-y" moment. |
While I was getting his bath ready, he ended up almost naked in his dirt hole. I just can't keep this kiddo out of the mud and muck. He is who he is. |
There won't always be cute bath toys and bubbles, so this was important for me to capture. |
Now THIS photo...this is my life all in one picture. A toddler (always half naked) running around as a blur while I try to catch up AND soak in the moment all at the same time. Things are just going so fast, I now know why people say life gets away from them before they realize. |
Hugs and kisses before bed. These may make it into photo frames, I love them so much! |
That wraps up my Monday. I hope to keep up steam and progress all the way through the week. I was tempted NOT to do it this year, because it's the first week of school which makes me pretty frazzled and the boys are taking a special trip this weekend. But, I've come to realize that there really isn't a "normal" type of week for me, so anything is important enough to document and remember.
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