1. It's technically the first day of Fall and I am so ready!! That means the weather will cool down and I love me some sweaters! It also means the colors will be changing!!

2. With the presence of Fall means some VERY big events are coming up!! I cannot believe that it will be Jaxon's first birthday soon! I'm not distraught over the passing of the time, just truly amazed at how quickly it flew by! This autumn will also be one of my closest friends' baby shower!
3. Speaking of baby shower...we are planning a children's book theme and I think it will be the cutest thing in the history of baby showers!! So excited!!
4. I am so proud to be part of the Fit Girl's Guide 28 day challenge! It's a clean eating and exercise challenge that comes from an e-book. It has it's own meal plan and workout plan and I am so excited to see my progress when the "after" pics are ready!
5. I don't ever like to toot my eon horn, but I am so incredibly proud of myself for all of the progress that I have made with my physical health! I've lost (never to be found again) 56 pounds since having Jaxon last November! More than that, however, is I think I am in better physical shape than I have been since my sophomore year in high school!! I feel great, being in control of my blood sugar and getting rid of my headaches!
6. It is Homecoming week at school and I feel like I am drowning...and it's only Tuesday!!! I am in survival mode until this Sunday...could everyone send a little positive thought my way, please?
7. It's really hard to think of ten things to write about!!
8. Jaxon is almost walking and I AM very emotional about that!! I am so happy for him to reach the next milestone, but I am just so not ready to lose the last baby moments!! He is so much fun and so exhausting all at the same time, but some days I just miss my cuddly little newborn baby boy!
9. I am so frustrated that I got sick this week!! Getting a cold in the busiest week/month would be just my luck, right?? Rest, fluids, vitamin c and cough drops are my besties right now.
10. Everyone can make fun of me for this and that's fine, but I am absolutely loving the new Taylor Swift song "Shake It Off!" I love to listen to it in the morning to wake my behind up and it's a good workout song too!! I just can't exist for it to be on Rhapsody so I don't have to play YouTube on my phone!
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