I had every intention of posting more this week...and then it just wasn't the priority. I've read lots of friends' blogs this week and several of them have talked about their blogs falling to the end of the priority list and I think that's totally okay!! If we all have something to say...say it! If not, let the blogs sit silent until we do!
I realized this morning since I hadn't posted anything this week, the last post I had up was describing my medical scare and trying to figure my health out. I then thought to myself "self, it's time for a check in!"
Currently, I have gone one full (and glorious) week without a single headache or dizzy spell. I have boiled it down to the supplement I was taking for my mental health. Up until November of 2015 I was taking an anti-depressant. When I wanted to remove that medication, I went back to using St. John's Wort to help with mood stability. Last week when I was trying everything and could not figure out what was happening to my body, I took out all supplements and realized almost instantly that the St. John's Wort was to blame for my symptoms.
I've more recently learned that St. John's Wort is not as reliable as I was once led to believe, because as we all know supplements available in retail stores are not well regulated and St. John's Wort can have many unnecessary and unhealthy additives. Also, the main ingredient in St' John's is known to cause many side effects, some of which include the dizziness and headaches.
I am tempted to go as far as to say that my complex migraine was a result of my body not doing well with the St. John's as well. However, only time will tell me if that's true. It is possible that I get another hemiplegic migraine in a week or a month. We will have to wait and see on that one.
Since removing St. John's Wort from my daily life, I have felt instant relief from both the mid day dizziness and the frequent painful headaches. I have felt my energy bounce back up and am thinking much more sharply. I can't tell if I am struggling mentally and emotionally because of the absence of the supplement, or if it was a placebo effect and now I just "feel" like I am struggling. I have moments where I dislike myself very much and continue to tear myself apart for very unreasonable things. However, I feel well equipped to fight those mental struggles, whereas I was not okay living with the dizziness and headaches.
Because of the health scare and constant confusing, however, the beginning of 2016 has felt chaotic. I have felt completely out of balance, as if I am on a tight rope between two sky scrapers and everything is literally about to come crashing down. I have struggled to feel progress with my fitness. I have struggled to find enjoyment from my career. I have struggled to maintain enough energy to keep up with my toddler. And I have struggled to maintain normalcy.
However, I feel as if I am finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I think I figured out what was causing me to feel so horrible. I am working on my mental outlook on life. I am slowly catching up with tasks at work and at home. And I have recommitted to my fitness process. This last week I have been cutting (calories) and the dietary changes have shown great promise! I am going to continue to trust the process and be consistent and push forward!
The reason I do want to say all of this in a public manner, is so my community sees that everything we put in our bodies matters. We all understand the importance of nutrition and work on clean eating. But then I see lots of women supplement their diets with pills, pre-workouts, protein bars, etc. All of those things are chemicals and the bottom line is we really don't know what those chemicals are or where they are from!
If you work hard to keep your diet clean, why not keep the medications and supplements clean as well? If you are sensitive to food like I am, you will probably be sensitive to any chemical you ingest as well. I am not saying stop what you're doing, but maybe just be aware and really think of which products you are choosing to use.
Things are finally getting better in this Little Life!!
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Health Scare.
I've been MIA for too long, am I right? I don't even know if anyone even reads my blog anymore, but I enjoy writing as a way to vent and let my thoughts out of my crazy head, so I am going to keep writing anyway!
So, it was Thursday. It was February 11. I was at work, in the middle of a Spanish 2 class. The kids were working so well and I was trying to file papers into the cabinet. I was trying to tell a student what word to write as a folders label. And it hit me...I could not get the words out! I was having a very hard time thinking of the right words in my head, but when I would finally get a hold of a word, I could not get it to correctly come out of my mouth! I just kept laughing at myself to hide my panic in front of the students.
As my head got foggy and dizzy and I continued to not be able to control my speech or my handwriting, I was getting very nervous. At first I thought I was having a blood sugar crash, so that was an easy fix. Class let out and I went to lunch, had a soda and all my food and waited for things to get better.
Instead, the entire right half of my body went numb. Foot? Numb. Hand? Numb. Cheek? Numb. Tongue? Numb. At this point I wasn't able to hold my cup of water or the food I was trying to eat. My head was spinning and I felt stuck and confused and was beginning to get very scared.
Like I always do, I tried to tough it out. I went back to the next class, but I couldn't even get the correct password typed into my computer. I alerted the principal who offered to watch my afternoon classes while I went home and rested it off.
I got him and told the babysitter I just needed to rest, so I ended up napping for several hours. I still woke up in the evening with a horrible headache and lots of neck stiffness and body aches. I just took it easy all of Thursday night, hanging out with the boys watching TV.
On Friday, my closest friend starts to get me freaked out, saying that what I experienced sounded like a stroke and that I needed to go to the emergency room. We compromised and in the afternoon I took myself to the Urgent Care. The PA suggested some routine blood work and a CT scan, which all came back perfectly clear with a steep price tag. So, we brushed it off a little, thinking I needed to rest more. We went and ate Olive Garden and had some MUCH needed girl time together. I just cannot resist the Lasagna Frita!! Yummmmo!
So, it was Thursday. It was February 11. I was at work, in the middle of a Spanish 2 class. The kids were working so well and I was trying to file papers into the cabinet. I was trying to tell a student what word to write as a folders label. And it hit me...I could not get the words out! I was having a very hard time thinking of the right words in my head, but when I would finally get a hold of a word, I could not get it to correctly come out of my mouth! I just kept laughing at myself to hide my panic in front of the students.
As my head got foggy and dizzy and I continued to not be able to control my speech or my handwriting, I was getting very nervous. At first I thought I was having a blood sugar crash, so that was an easy fix. Class let out and I went to lunch, had a soda and all my food and waited for things to get better.
Instead, the entire right half of my body went numb. Foot? Numb. Hand? Numb. Cheek? Numb. Tongue? Numb. At this point I wasn't able to hold my cup of water or the food I was trying to eat. My head was spinning and I felt stuck and confused and was beginning to get very scared.
Like I always do, I tried to tough it out. I went back to the next class, but I couldn't even get the correct password typed into my computer. I alerted the principal who offered to watch my afternoon classes while I went home and rested it off.
I got him and told the babysitter I just needed to rest, so I ended up napping for several hours. I still woke up in the evening with a horrible headache and lots of neck stiffness and body aches. I just took it easy all of Thursday night, hanging out with the boys watching TV.
On Friday, my closest friend starts to get me freaked out, saying that what I experienced sounded like a stroke and that I needed to go to the emergency room. We compromised and in the afternoon I took myself to the Urgent Care. The PA suggested some routine blood work and a CT scan, which all came back perfectly clear with a steep price tag. So, we brushed it off a little, thinking I needed to rest more. We went and ate Olive Garden and had some MUCH needed girl time together. I just cannot resist the Lasagna Frita!! Yummmmo!
Now comes Saturday...I am going to tea with my Mom and my sister-in-law at a very cool old castle. Right before we are sitting down to eat, my left foot starts to feel incredibly heavy and almost as if it's not attached to my body. I start to take inventory of what's going on and I have a dull ache in my head again. Over the course of maybe 5 minutes, the entire left side of my body has gone numb. This time I can still talk, but the vertigo was overwhelming. I excused myself from lunch and started balling because I was so scared and the headache that was coming in was horrendous! I spent the entire three hours sleeping in the car while my Mom and sister-in-law had tea and the tour of the castle.
When they were finished, I asked if we could go to the Emergency Room and we quickly went to the nearest one. The doctor this time really seemed knowledgable and he mentioned that it could be what is a called a vascular headache, since each episode had a bit different symptoms (the right brain controlling the left side of the body, the left brain controlling the right side of the body and the speech). He transferred me to a different Emergency Room to get an MRI done. The second ER was an absolute nightmare and I won't even go into detail of the 6 hours I spent there!!!
We were sent home finally around 11 pm Saturday night and I spent all of Sunday feeling kinda crappy, but slowly coming out of the haze. When I can finally think clearly again, the obsessive side of my personality takes over and I felt this feverish desire to figure out what was wrong with me. I had an appointment set with my General Physician on Thursday, so I just had to survive until then.
Several friends received chaotic, psychotic text messages throughout the week as my brain ran the entire gamut of possibilities. Here is just a snippet of what I thought could have happened: a mini stroke, a hormonal episode, mercury poisoning from the tuna sandwiches, sensitivity to artificial sweeteners from my coffee, I made it up, alien brain takeover, etc.
The best thing I did was type "vascular headache" into google and get a somewhat feasible starting point. Thank you very much to the ER doctor that I don't even remember your name.... After searching vascular headache I came to migrainetrust.org and this helped me dig through the types of migraines that people can experience. The only type of migraine that fit the stoke-like symptoms I experienced was hemiplegic migraines.
I took this term and concern to my doctor and she agrees with the ER doctor that that is the most likely cause of the episode I had at work and at tea with my Mom. Now, I haven't seen a neurologist for an official diagnosis, but my physician said this is a disorder that doesn't have an exact diagnosis anyway. I've found out that I could do some genetic testing, but it isn't verified yet either. Currently, I've been given a prescription for migraine medication to use if I feel the onset of another migraine, I've been given some generic blood tests, and I've been asked to make a few changes to daily life.
The artificial sweeteners are silently killing me, I swear! okay, that's an exaggeration, but they are worse than I thought and I am very sensitive to them. The Blendicano that I enjoy every.single.day is made with one Splenda and Starbucks' Sugar Free Caramel. So, I've changed that by removing the Splenda and using the regular caramel syrup. I also noticed that the Quest Bars and Pure Protein bars that I eat had Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners, so I tossed those. The Celucor protein has a bit of Sucralose in it...but that can was pricey and I just can't waste the money, so I will be finishing that. Today is day 6 without the artificial sweeteners, and a lot of my daily dizziness has gone away.
I was also asked to change the timing of some of the vitamins I take. I changed to taking my St. John's Wort and Magnesium before bed, and only taking the B-12 in the morning. I will keep you updating on how that is changing. My Doctor also recommended a couple other B vitamins to help with migraine prevention and I need to look into that as soon as possible.
Currently, I am just working on accepting the fact that at any point I could have another migraine, that begins with the symptoms of a stroke. I really hope it doesn't happen again, but most likely it will sometime. I will just need to figure out how to best cope and deal with the migraines in the future. I have considered wearing a medical alert bracelet in case I lose my ability to speak again...but that's for another day.
For now, I am just trying to relax more and squeeze in some quality time with my boys! Things have been a tiny bit stressful in this Little Life!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Teacher Tuesday
I had a hard time figuring out what to write about today in regards to my classroom. I really wanted to report on an amazing scavenger hunt type activity that I put together for Spanish level 2, but I haven't polished that yet and need to wait a little longer.
But then I had lunch with my coworkers who were very aggravated and not so positive. It seemed to mirror how I get by the end of each school week. I start Mondays very motivated and positive and ready to make a difference in the lives of tons of kids. Then Tuesday I start to get a little tired. Wednesday I start to want to give up. Thursdays I actually do give up.
I don't want to be another typical whiney teacher, because there are countless things I love about my job. For example, nothing beats the moment a past student comes back and thanks you for making a difference in their journey, or tells you how much you have used the skills you taught in their daily lives. It really keeps us going. Also, I really like the "lightbulb" moment. That's the moment when a kid who has struggled with a concept for a while and you tried a new angle to explain and all of a sudden they get it, and they feel such self price that it's contagious.
But, what I am struggling with today is what we can actually hold the kids accountable for. Yes, these are teenagers we are talking about, and we all know that the teen years are a strange and challenging time. What really blurs the lines for me, is when to joke with students in order to make a connection, and when to draw the line. Even as a student was trying to bring up a serious point (about how they don't necessarily know when I am joking and when I am upset), he couldn't even discuss it with me seriously. There was just not any level of self reflection, only blame shifting.
So what I am struggling with in my classroom (and in our culture as a whole) is the lack of a "time and place" for professionalism. Our current students seem confused about what is an out of school joke/trend and what is appropriate for in the classroom. In turn, I struggle as the adult to be able to make connections with them while still maintaining a distance from the more inappropriate trends.
I've learned this year that what I view was too far across the line for school isn't the same as a lot of parents and even a lot of my coworkers.
Is a t-shirt that says "John did-er" instead of John Deer okay for a student to wear to school?
Even though girls can't really find longer shorts in the store, so we ban all shorts or how do we decide the line?
Why are students still arguing to wear hats in the classroom?
How can I give them homework using technology they relate to to see Spanish in their personal world, when lots of things they find online have inappropriate language?
Should I kid chewing tobacco during class be suspended?
Why not, since a kid smoking a cigarette in class would be?
How do you tell high school couples not to make out in the hallway when they see much more than that on prime time tv?
How can I ask them to use their phones in class for certain activities (again, in order to connect to what they're used to) but expect them to be able to manage themselves enough to actually work on the phone and not text, snap, tweet, post, etc?
The idea I am trying to pin point is, these students aren't horrible, aren't messed up...they are just exposed to so much more mature content than generations before were used to. Because of this, they have a low maturity mixed with a large knowledge of things they don't really understand. And since we have this type of student in school now, how do we manage this? What rules do we set? How do we connect with them, while still modeling how to appropriately behave in the work place?
If anyone out there has input, I would love to hear thoughts and suggestions.
This last class was a tough one for me and I am full of reflection in this Little Life.
But then I had lunch with my coworkers who were very aggravated and not so positive. It seemed to mirror how I get by the end of each school week. I start Mondays very motivated and positive and ready to make a difference in the lives of tons of kids. Then Tuesday I start to get a little tired. Wednesday I start to want to give up. Thursdays I actually do give up.
I don't want to be another typical whiney teacher, because there are countless things I love about my job. For example, nothing beats the moment a past student comes back and thanks you for making a difference in their journey, or tells you how much you have used the skills you taught in their daily lives. It really keeps us going. Also, I really like the "lightbulb" moment. That's the moment when a kid who has struggled with a concept for a while and you tried a new angle to explain and all of a sudden they get it, and they feel such self price that it's contagious.
But, what I am struggling with today is what we can actually hold the kids accountable for. Yes, these are teenagers we are talking about, and we all know that the teen years are a strange and challenging time. What really blurs the lines for me, is when to joke with students in order to make a connection, and when to draw the line. Even as a student was trying to bring up a serious point (about how they don't necessarily know when I am joking and when I am upset), he couldn't even discuss it with me seriously. There was just not any level of self reflection, only blame shifting.
So what I am struggling with in my classroom (and in our culture as a whole) is the lack of a "time and place" for professionalism. Our current students seem confused about what is an out of school joke/trend and what is appropriate for in the classroom. In turn, I struggle as the adult to be able to make connections with them while still maintaining a distance from the more inappropriate trends.
I've learned this year that what I view was too far across the line for school isn't the same as a lot of parents and even a lot of my coworkers.
Is a t-shirt that says "John did-er" instead of John Deer okay for a student to wear to school?
Even though girls can't really find longer shorts in the store, so we ban all shorts or how do we decide the line?
Why are students still arguing to wear hats in the classroom?
How can I give them homework using technology they relate to to see Spanish in their personal world, when lots of things they find online have inappropriate language?
Should I kid chewing tobacco during class be suspended?
Why not, since a kid smoking a cigarette in class would be?
How do you tell high school couples not to make out in the hallway when they see much more than that on prime time tv?
How can I ask them to use their phones in class for certain activities (again, in order to connect to what they're used to) but expect them to be able to manage themselves enough to actually work on the phone and not text, snap, tweet, post, etc?
The idea I am trying to pin point is, these students aren't horrible, aren't messed up...they are just exposed to so much more mature content than generations before were used to. Because of this, they have a low maturity mixed with a large knowledge of things they don't really understand. And since we have this type of student in school now, how do we manage this? What rules do we set? How do we connect with them, while still modeling how to appropriately behave in the work place?
If anyone out there has input, I would love to hear thoughts and suggestions.
This last class was a tough one for me and I am full of reflection in this Little Life.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Weekend Wrap Up 1/24
Oh man, when do the weekends get easier??
Seriously though, what started out to be a wonderful weekend was actually very exhausting and tough. I was so thankful for the random gift my husband brought me; the flowers helped me stay calm through the long days. Sometimes the small things are the only things that keep us going right?

On Friday, I spent the day with Jaxon and we went into town to see my friend and her daughter. I was super on edge about running errands for the first time while potty training. It was this day that I realized that not only has Jaxon caught on to the potty thing, but he also refuses to pee in a diaper. So, even though he is scared of the big potties out in public, he held it until we got home to go. I felt so bad for him. I wonder if he is scared or hard on himself thinking that having an accident is a big failure. Maybe I am just projecting too much as a Mom...who really knows with littles??

Once we finally did get back home, Jaxon was taking a turn for the worse. He was a bit warm and could not settle in and get comfortable and he could absolutely not get to sleep. Finally after listening to him cry and play and yell for almost 40 minutes, I brought him onto the couch to cuddle with me and he was out cold in under 4 minutes. He must have needed some cuddles, because this boy does NOT sleep anywhere but his bed.

He napped laying on me for over an hour, before I put him in his crib so that I could get a shower in! I am telling you, as a Mom, it is ALL about the small things!
Happy Mail was the highlight of Friday for me! I got my Cellular order of protein. I got a large canister of Peanut Butter Marshmallow protein and a sample pack of Cor-fetti and Red Velvet. I was SO excited to try the new flavors! I even made some protein balls to snack on with the Cor-Fetti and they are yummy!

I will try to share the recipe later this week! I have a couple of changes to it before it is Breezy approved!
Saturday I didn't take many photos because it was one of those wonderful lazy days! I lifted first thing in the morning and then we hung around home the rest of the day. But, around 4 PM my husband got called in to work at the SAME time that Jaxon's fever really spiked up! So, I was the sole parent hanging out with a 2 year old only 1.5 weeks into potty training who got diarrhea from teething cutting those back molars. And this is when I wished I had wine in the house!

Jaxon literally would not let me go. He had to be sitting on me, touching me, by my side, under my feet...whatever as long as we were connected. I knew at that point that he was not feeling well at all.

I blocked out most of Saturday night because it wore me down. So, on to Sunday...
I had my second CrossFit foundation class this morning and I think I did really well. I've caught another cold, so I had a very hard time breathing through the congestion, but I enjoyed the technical tips on these movements. Only one more class to go, and I am CrossFit official I suppose!

The rest of the day was oh-so-typical. It was getting groceries, working on lessons during nap time, meal prep and the dreaded mountain of laundry. Does anyone want to come clean and do laundry? I am willing to pay!!
Since starting the potty training, Jaxon is refusing to take a bath. I am not positive, but I am thinking that he is worried about going potty in the water and he thinks that will be a bad accident. I don't know how to fix this...but I will keep you posted on progress.
Bedtime routine around here is my favorite thing!! Tonight, we used coloring as our activity to help Jaxon calm down. If we don't do an activity, he ends up running around the house like a crazy monster, so instead we choose a calming activity to help him wind down.

Then it's story time, which I think is Jaxon's favorite time of day! And before putting him down, Jason and I hold him together and ask him for "a kiss...a kiss without the paci...a hug...and a secret." For the secret, he gets close to our faces and we whisper "love you" and he whispers some gibberish back to us. Every family has their own cutesy thing, and that is ours! It just makes my heart all warm and sparkly!

I miss Teaching Tuesday and Fitness Friday this week, but have great plans to do better this next week! I have a new activity in Spanish 2, so if you want to come back for my review of that, look for it Tuesday. I also spent a lot of time last week making an 8 week Fitness challenge for my coworkers and we start tomorrow! I will update progress with that on Friday!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week! I am sure all we will be hearing about is that the Broncos are going to the super bowl (woot).
I am trying to hang in there in this Little Life.
Seriously though, what started out to be a wonderful weekend was actually very exhausting and tough. I was so thankful for the random gift my husband brought me; the flowers helped me stay calm through the long days. Sometimes the small things are the only things that keep us going right?
On Friday, I spent the day with Jaxon and we went into town to see my friend and her daughter. I was super on edge about running errands for the first time while potty training. It was this day that I realized that not only has Jaxon caught on to the potty thing, but he also refuses to pee in a diaper. So, even though he is scared of the big potties out in public, he held it until we got home to go. I felt so bad for him. I wonder if he is scared or hard on himself thinking that having an accident is a big failure. Maybe I am just projecting too much as a Mom...who really knows with littles??
Once we finally did get back home, Jaxon was taking a turn for the worse. He was a bit warm and could not settle in and get comfortable and he could absolutely not get to sleep. Finally after listening to him cry and play and yell for almost 40 minutes, I brought him onto the couch to cuddle with me and he was out cold in under 4 minutes. He must have needed some cuddles, because this boy does NOT sleep anywhere but his bed.
He napped laying on me for over an hour, before I put him in his crib so that I could get a shower in! I am telling you, as a Mom, it is ALL about the small things!
Happy Mail was the highlight of Friday for me! I got my Cellular order of protein. I got a large canister of Peanut Butter Marshmallow protein and a sample pack of Cor-fetti and Red Velvet. I was SO excited to try the new flavors! I even made some protein balls to snack on with the Cor-Fetti and they are yummy!
I will try to share the recipe later this week! I have a couple of changes to it before it is Breezy approved!
Saturday I didn't take many photos because it was one of those wonderful lazy days! I lifted first thing in the morning and then we hung around home the rest of the day. But, around 4 PM my husband got called in to work at the SAME time that Jaxon's fever really spiked up! So, I was the sole parent hanging out with a 2 year old only 1.5 weeks into potty training who got diarrhea from teething cutting those back molars. And this is when I wished I had wine in the house!
Jaxon literally would not let me go. He had to be sitting on me, touching me, by my side, under my feet...whatever as long as we were connected. I knew at that point that he was not feeling well at all.
I blocked out most of Saturday night because it wore me down. So, on to Sunday...
I had my second CrossFit foundation class this morning and I think I did really well. I've caught another cold, so I had a very hard time breathing through the congestion, but I enjoyed the technical tips on these movements. Only one more class to go, and I am CrossFit official I suppose!
The rest of the day was oh-so-typical. It was getting groceries, working on lessons during nap time, meal prep and the dreaded mountain of laundry. Does anyone want to come clean and do laundry? I am willing to pay!!
Since starting the potty training, Jaxon is refusing to take a bath. I am not positive, but I am thinking that he is worried about going potty in the water and he thinks that will be a bad accident. I don't know how to fix this...but I will keep you posted on progress.
Bedtime routine around here is my favorite thing!! Tonight, we used coloring as our activity to help Jaxon calm down. If we don't do an activity, he ends up running around the house like a crazy monster, so instead we choose a calming activity to help him wind down.
Then it's story time, which I think is Jaxon's favorite time of day! And before putting him down, Jason and I hold him together and ask him for "a kiss...a kiss without the paci...a hug...and a secret." For the secret, he gets close to our faces and we whisper "love you" and he whispers some gibberish back to us. Every family has their own cutesy thing, and that is ours! It just makes my heart all warm and sparkly!

I miss Teaching Tuesday and Fitness Friday this week, but have great plans to do better this next week! I have a new activity in Spanish 2, so if you want to come back for my review of that, look for it Tuesday. I also spent a lot of time last week making an 8 week Fitness challenge for my coworkers and we start tomorrow! I will update progress with that on Friday!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week! I am sure all we will be hearing about is that the Broncos are going to the super bowl (woot).
I am trying to hang in there in this Little Life.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Random Idea!!
I wanted to take a quick minute and talk to you guys about one of my absolute favorite "not-so-guilty" pleasures!!
For some reason, I am obsessed with podcasts! It's a moment for me to put my headphones in and breath and just listen to someone tell me their ideas. I love blogs, I somewhat like reading...but I LOVE listening to people! Their personalities come out in the Podcasts and they have discussions with other people and it's just a fun way to check out for like 15 minutes.
I listen to music while I run and workout, I listen to music when I need to GSD at work. But at home, when it's nap time and I am putting laundry away or just sitting for a second, my GO TO is a podcast! Most that I choose are 15 - 20 minutes long, so it's a quick break and then I feel a bit refreshed to start my next task of the day!

If you are interested in trying a podcast or trying a new podcast...here are my current faves:
For some reason, I am obsessed with podcasts! It's a moment for me to put my headphones in and breath and just listen to someone tell me their ideas. I love blogs, I somewhat like reading...but I LOVE listening to people! Their personalities come out in the Podcasts and they have discussions with other people and it's just a fun way to check out for like 15 minutes.
I listen to music while I run and workout, I listen to music when I need to GSD at work. But at home, when it's nap time and I am putting laundry away or just sitting for a second, my GO TO is a podcast! Most that I choose are 15 - 20 minutes long, so it's a quick break and then I feel a bit refreshed to start my next task of the day!
If you are interested in trying a podcast or trying a new podcast...here are my current faves:
- Women Wanting More. This is a podcast recorded by a chiropractor, I believe, and she talks about cutting through the bull-butter and getting stuff done. It's a variety of topics, but it's all about taking care of ourselves are professionals and busy women, how to be super productive in our daily lives and how to correctly prioritize our tasks. Warning, she cusses a bit, but that adds to the "cut to the point of it" feel when she is talking.
- Meditation Minis Podcast. This is more self explanatory, but they are very short guided meditation recordings. Take a few minutes out of a busy day, and just listen to her guidance and meditate your way to a more calm, less stressed day!
- The Charlene Show. This is my newest podcast, and I feel like her topics are all over the place. But she addresses tips and techniques on how to improve your life and get what you want out of each day. It ranges from marriage tips, exercise and health discussions, ramblings about how to navigate the insane world we live in, etc.
- Sleep With Me. This is NOT what you think at all! This is a life saving, incredibly surprising podcast that helps put you to sleep! Lol! I am the type of person that will be falling asleep on the couch watching Chicago Fire, but then I go to bed and cannot fall asleep, because my to do list and worries start to float around in my head. So, enter the podcast. This man has the most boring, mundane, history-teacher type drone on and on voice and it gets me to sleep every single time without fail! Sometimes, I don't even make it two minutes in to the show and I am out! A word of caution: turn your sleep timer on your phone so the podcast shuts off after a certain time! Otherwise you may wake up in the middle of the night with the podcast still talking.
- Guys We F****d. Now this one is exactly what it sounds like! It is two girls from Jersey talking about the dirtier activities in life. They try to interview guys they have been with in the past, but it doesn't always end up being that. Melissa from Instagram first got me interested in this podcast and it is hilarious!! If you are NOT interested in dirty humor and talking about sex, do NOT even try listening to this one!
What are some Podcasts that you love? I would like couple to add to my favorites list! And let me know if you like any of these ones!
Have a great week! It's finally starting to calm down a bit in this Little Life.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Weekend Wrap Up
Now, I hope you're prepared for the most basic, mundane, boring Weekend Wrap Up E.V.E.R!!
Friday: This was such a fun day with Jaxon. It was like a mommy and son date in the morning! I am struggling a little bit with how busy I feel Monday through Thursday (working, working out, house work, etc) and feel like I am not getting a large amount of quality time with Bubba. So, I am VERY thankful to have all day Friday with him! This day we went to the Rec Center and kicked a ball around in the gym (it is still very cold outside here) and then went and played in the baby pool for almost an hour!
He still loves anything having to do with water!
I think the pool is officially his favorite!
Let's be honest, it's mine too!
We have been hearing from a LOT of people about how Jaxon should be potty training. Now, looking at it logically...I don't think that's right. He is 26 months and has NO desire to work on it, so I don't think it's the biggest milestone for us right now. However, the unsolicited advice has gotten into our heads and we gave toilet training a go, starting Friday and going in to today.
Skinny little pants and "big boy underwear."
We haven't made any real progress. He will now gladly wear the underwear and feels the mess so he can tell us "uh oh." But I really don't think he understands the feeling of having to go and has no ability whatsoever to make it happen while sitting on the potty. We will spend anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes sitting on the toilet, and then give up just in time for him to pee his pants afterwards. I could be wrong, but I just don't think we are there yet.
Exciting side note: happy mail came on Friday! My Mother in Law sent the biggest care package! We got the 31 Bags we ordered a bit ago, a pair of workout pants (loooooove), and some treats for all of us! I am completely addicted to the 31 Bags!
Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Yes!
Saturday: I spent the morning working out by myself in the gym which is my favorite!! Quiet time to GSD without having to wait for any equipment? Yes, please! I lifted shoulders, but it was rushed so I only had like 40 minutes to work.
The workout was rushed because hubby and I had massages today! Let me tell you, if you can find someone you trust and can afford, a monthly massage is the best thing you can do for yourself! Ours is more of a deep tissue, sports recovery massage and it has done wonders for our aches and tensions and just helps us relax!
Then we hung out at home working on the potty thing until it was time for DATE NIGHT!! I was loving how my hair turned out for the evening.
I don't have any photos of us out on the town because I left my phone off and in the car! Hands free for the evening = totally focused on my marriage. We were the lamest couple ever, however! We went to Ulta and PetCo to complete errands, and then went to dinner at Mt. Fuji and that. was. it. We were SO tired from the work week and the January blues and the potty training...so, we called it an early night and watched NetFlix. Go us!
Sunday: I am living with the philosophy that a "Sunday well spent brings a week of content." To some of you that might mean outings as a family, but for me it means workout, house work, meal prep and planning. Some blogging and some classroom work, and a movie with my little Turkey! I need an entire day to get organized for the week, otherwise I am a grouchy mess of a woman the rest of the week!
My Sunday tasks:
- Workout: today it was my first CrossFit foundation class and a short CrossFit workout.
- House work: pick up clutter, get the sink clear of dishes, put ALL laundry away, etc.
- Meal Prep: organize my lunches, roast and package veggies, bag up snacks, etc.
- Nap time work: classroom prep, blogging and/or scrapbooking
- Planning: a MUST so I can visualize the week and get my head wrapped around how it will go
- Family time: I LOVE that Jax is into movies right now. We will probably watch Big Hero 6 or the Croods again today, but we eat popcorn and cuddle under our blankets and just chat about his toddler nonsense. It is my favorite part of the week, I think. The Sunday Cuddle Routine.
That might have been the longest boring post ever! What did you all do this weekend??
It's a lovely Sunday in this Little Life.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Fitness Friday
Alright, guys. I feel like a fraud...sitting here trying to talk to you about fitness when I feel like I am struggling a little bit! I mean, fitness is totally a state of mind I think. And, I am not doing great at maintaining that state of mind. I am frustrated currently because I am still fighting my body insecurities and the negative self talk. Today what's bugging me is the tummy skin and bloating. I know we make a bigger deal about our problem areas than anyone else would...but my thoughts are the only ones I hear, so they are the only ones I am working with.

This is me with Jaxon at the pool today and I felt great with the huge exception of that belly skin you can see hanging around. Oh well, I suppose I am just a huge work in progress.
I'm a Libra and I constantly strive for balance, but dang it if sometimes balance feels like an impossible goal!! Right now I am trying to balance work, family, fitness, hobbies, marriage, and house work. As far as my workout routine goes, I am trying to balance group classes, weight lifting, cardio and running as well as now adding in CrossFit foundation classes for the next three weeks. I just cannot nail down the best, balanced weekly schedule...but I am still trying.
Is anyone out there just totally gung-ho about one type of exercise? Maybe you love running all day every day? Or you hit the stationary bike religiously? Maybe you are completely devoted to a yogi lifestyle?
Me...I am the total opposite! I want to dabble in each type of activity and balance them all in perfect harmony! So, here is the only thing I want to talk about on this day in which I feel like a fraud: what types of activities I enjoy and why, also why I think it's important to balance a bunch of different activities.
1. My true love is weight lifting. I am not sure how I got so addicted to it, but I love the feeling and effects of lifting weights. It makes me feel strong and I can count the numbers on the dumbbells and see that as progress in my journey. I also love the feeling of being able to shape a certain part of my body that I focus on while weight training.

Yep, I tried to squat a person. Well, a tiny person!
2. Group HIIT classes. Sam (seen above acting as my barbell) teaches a HIIT cardio class Tuesdays and Thursdays at the rec center. I love group classes because it gives you a core group of partners. Women who will push you and encourage you and also hold you accountable. I love my IG group, but there is just something to be said about the face to face connecting of ladies who are all struggling to get through the workout together!

Here is a crazy bunch of peeps I love after we did a tough circuit last Friday!
3. Stretching and Yoga. Now I am not good at this practice whatsoever, but I am slowly learning and slowly finding that a yoga flow can really improve your strength training by helping muscles recover faster, joints keep up with the strain of gaining muscle mass and just by giving your body a concentrated relaxation!

Lots of room for improvement here!
4. Running. I have never been a natural runner. I mean, I was the goalie on my soccer team so I could play but still avoid all the running! lol! But, after discovering my love for Spartan races, I added distance running into my training routine so that I can improve my completion time. In 2015 the longest run I completed was 14 miles, even though I started the year not being able to complete more than 2 miles. Now, I can add distance but increasing pace is another story. I feel a bit stuck with my pacing, but I am not out to race anyone any time soon! Running is a steady state cardio that has really helped with the tummy fat/skin that I talked about earlier. I feel the leanest and tightest after a solid run.
5. Every day changes. I can workout 6 days a week, but I very much struggle to stay active in the rest of my day. At school, I so easily get stuck at my desk when I am entering grades, answering emails, creating the next unit, etc. So, I have been focusing on using my FitBit to give me the silent reminders to stand up and get moving. I also use the competitive aspect of the FitBit app to try to get more steps than anyone else I know! lol! Lastly, I ordered an adjustable desk stand to place my laptop on so that I can easily adjust from sitting to standing and hopefully I will stand more at work. My posture is horrendous after a day of working on the computer!

I will post about my weekly routine next week...hopefully after I find a better lineup of workouts!
For now, things are slowly improving in this Little Life!

This is me with Jaxon at the pool today and I felt great with the huge exception of that belly skin you can see hanging around. Oh well, I suppose I am just a huge work in progress.
I'm a Libra and I constantly strive for balance, but dang it if sometimes balance feels like an impossible goal!! Right now I am trying to balance work, family, fitness, hobbies, marriage, and house work. As far as my workout routine goes, I am trying to balance group classes, weight lifting, cardio and running as well as now adding in CrossFit foundation classes for the next three weeks. I just cannot nail down the best, balanced weekly schedule...but I am still trying.
Is anyone out there just totally gung-ho about one type of exercise? Maybe you love running all day every day? Or you hit the stationary bike religiously? Maybe you are completely devoted to a yogi lifestyle?
Me...I am the total opposite! I want to dabble in each type of activity and balance them all in perfect harmony! So, here is the only thing I want to talk about on this day in which I feel like a fraud: what types of activities I enjoy and why, also why I think it's important to balance a bunch of different activities.
1. My true love is weight lifting. I am not sure how I got so addicted to it, but I love the feeling and effects of lifting weights. It makes me feel strong and I can count the numbers on the dumbbells and see that as progress in my journey. I also love the feeling of being able to shape a certain part of my body that I focus on while weight training.

Yep, I tried to squat a person. Well, a tiny person!
2. Group HIIT classes. Sam (seen above acting as my barbell) teaches a HIIT cardio class Tuesdays and Thursdays at the rec center. I love group classes because it gives you a core group of partners. Women who will push you and encourage you and also hold you accountable. I love my IG group, but there is just something to be said about the face to face connecting of ladies who are all struggling to get through the workout together!

Here is a crazy bunch of peeps I love after we did a tough circuit last Friday!
3. Stretching and Yoga. Now I am not good at this practice whatsoever, but I am slowly learning and slowly finding that a yoga flow can really improve your strength training by helping muscles recover faster, joints keep up with the strain of gaining muscle mass and just by giving your body a concentrated relaxation!

Lots of room for improvement here!
4. Running. I have never been a natural runner. I mean, I was the goalie on my soccer team so I could play but still avoid all the running! lol! But, after discovering my love for Spartan races, I added distance running into my training routine so that I can improve my completion time. In 2015 the longest run I completed was 14 miles, even though I started the year not being able to complete more than 2 miles. Now, I can add distance but increasing pace is another story. I feel a bit stuck with my pacing, but I am not out to race anyone any time soon! Running is a steady state cardio that has really helped with the tummy fat/skin that I talked about earlier. I feel the leanest and tightest after a solid run.
5. Every day changes. I can workout 6 days a week, but I very much struggle to stay active in the rest of my day. At school, I so easily get stuck at my desk when I am entering grades, answering emails, creating the next unit, etc. So, I have been focusing on using my FitBit to give me the silent reminders to stand up and get moving. I also use the competitive aspect of the FitBit app to try to get more steps than anyone else I know! lol! Lastly, I ordered an adjustable desk stand to place my laptop on so that I can easily adjust from sitting to standing and hopefully I will stand more at work. My posture is horrendous after a day of working on the computer!

I will post about my weekly routine next week...hopefully after I find a better lineup of workouts!
For now, things are slowly improving in this Little Life!
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Teach Tuesay
I had GRAND intentions last August about being very consistent with my teaching themed blog post. But NO surprise...teaching got in the way of blogging about teaching!!
Just to remind you, I took on several new theories of teaching this year: I went to a blended classroom model, mixing lots of flipped classroom techniques, real world applications, ditched the textbook, added as much technology opportunities as possible and went to a project based system. I have tried to implement more rubric based grading and lots of more opportunities to speak and hear and read Spanish.
Now, that was a short paragraph on paper but a VERY tall order in real life! I just told a student that I feel like I am only "5 minutes ahead of my lessons." With recreating the curriculum, constantly trying new activities, falling behind on the amount of grading I have with all those new assignments...I have just not been able to stop and think about what I am doing.
I am holding on to the hope that next year, once I have the packets typed and the curriculum laid out, that getting in and getting my hands dirty with the students, working with them non stop will be much easier. But for right now I am in the beta phase. Just totally experimenting, trying things by myself with no guidance or advice, making up all the worksheets and units the students get as well as making all the podcasts that go along with the new units. Just writing that makes me feel stressed.
So, anyway...as I am still putting all the puzzle pieces together in my classroom, I just wanted to do a quick list of things that have worked very well for me this year! These are activities, lessons, techniques, etc. that I have loved and my students have loved even more than me (if that's possible)!
1st Semester Home Runs:
Just to remind you, I took on several new theories of teaching this year: I went to a blended classroom model, mixing lots of flipped classroom techniques, real world applications, ditched the textbook, added as much technology opportunities as possible and went to a project based system. I have tried to implement more rubric based grading and lots of more opportunities to speak and hear and read Spanish.
Now, that was a short paragraph on paper but a VERY tall order in real life! I just told a student that I feel like I am only "5 minutes ahead of my lessons." With recreating the curriculum, constantly trying new activities, falling behind on the amount of grading I have with all those new assignments...I have just not been able to stop and think about what I am doing.
I am holding on to the hope that next year, once I have the packets typed and the curriculum laid out, that getting in and getting my hands dirty with the students, working with them non stop will be much easier. But for right now I am in the beta phase. Just totally experimenting, trying things by myself with no guidance or advice, making up all the worksheets and units the students get as well as making all the podcasts that go along with the new units. Just writing that makes me feel stressed.
So, anyway...as I am still putting all the puzzle pieces together in my classroom, I just wanted to do a quick list of things that have worked very well for me this year! These are activities, lessons, techniques, etc. that I have loved and my students have loved even more than me (if that's possible)!
1st Semester Home Runs:
- Baile Jueves. I found resources from a teacher doing something called "Baile Viernes" or "Dance Friday." I changed it to Dance Thursday because we are a 4 day week and most students LOVE the opportunity to dance and get up to move around. Some kids loath this activity and fight me every week, but I have two classes in particular that really get into it and I just focus on them and enjoy those 5 minutes each week!
- Google Voice. For any teacher needing a way to speak with students one on one and possibly have it recorded, Google Voice has been amazing! For my Spanish classroom, I have the students call my "voicemail" number each week, listen to one question in Spanish and answer it in a complete sentence or two. This allows me to check in with them on their fluency and pronunciation, and not have to waste an in class period calling them up one by one. Also, Google Voice let's you send a text message back to the student, so I give them feedback based on their performance on that assignment.
- Storytelling. I am not a gung ho TPRS teacher, but I do see the fun and the benefits of storytelling with language students. I have been selecting one or two stories for each unit and dedicating one or two class periods to each story. The students love when I tell the story because I am goofy and act it out for them. Some classes I have asked students to act it out to check for understanding. Some of the stories are turned into videos on YouTube. I have not mastered the reading comprehension part (IE: do they write answers to questions, do we discuss, how do we ever get the point if they just miss something in the target language, etc) BUT these have been a very fun addition to my lessons!
- La Silla Caliente. I love doing the hot seat at the beginning of each class, and I think any classroom can benefit from this. I have the last person who walks through the door put on the hot seat, and they spend 2 or 3 minutes answering questions in Spanish from their classmates. This could serve any subject, because the class can come up with review questions about a text, current event questions, discussion questions...essentially they are making up assessment questions for the student in the hot seat to answer.
- A "Standing Teacher Desk." The more and more I got bogged down in making videos, typing curriculum, adding grades online, etc. the more and more I sat at my desk and the more and more my back and neck started hurting. It was just so easy to fall into this bad habit. BUT I recently ordered an adjustable laptop stand for my desk, that will reach a level of standing or be lower if I choose to sit. This maybe doesn't directly help my students, but it makes a fitter, happier teacher and maybe that helps them in the end too!
So, that's my list of things I love in the Classroom for now!
Until next week, the classroom is crazy but progressing. I am trying in this Little Life.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Weekend Wrap Up
I was a little nervous going in to this weekend...Jason was headed to Texas for a racing workshop and I was solo to juggle everything. But it turned out so well, I had a blast with my little turkey all to myself!
Friday was amazing! The babysitter came an extra day so that I could get my hair colored and run an errand. Ever since shaving my hair off four years ago I've been terribly anxious when doing anything new to my hair and have been disappointed with some of the results recently. I searched social media to find a colorist that could help me update my look and I came across Janelle thanks to all of my students liking her Facebook page. I scheduled with her several weeks ahead of time, and I was having a hard time swallowing the cost of the appointment. But, let me tell you, it was totally worth it! Janelle took plenty of time, was very personable with me and is very talented in her field! We did balayage highlights and used some toner to lighten it out of the yellow blonde zone! I love the results!!
Friday night was one of the most fun workouts I've done lately. I did a cross fit-ish workout with my friends at the Rec center.
So, the plan Saturday morning was the spend three hours at Monkey Business wearing off some serious winter snowed-in energy. Jaxon was doing great at first, learning how to climb the play yard with the other kids. But after 40 minutes, it started to get really full. So full that I wondered how close they were to fire capacity. At that point Jaxon got overwhelmed and shut down. He didn't want to explore anymore and looked up at me and asked "mama house peas" (grandmas house please).
Jaxon is still scared of the bounce house and much prefers anything that's a puzzle.
I dropped Jax at grandmas house while I finished my list of errands. I hit up both Sephora and Ulta and dug through some products I've been wanting to try. For makeup, I got the Makeup Forever foundation, the They're Real mascara remover, and a sample of some Nars concealer. I'll write about those once I try them this week!
For hair, I got a round brush, a wide tooth plastic comb, a sample size of Redken Satinwear 02 prepping blow dry lotion, and a sample of Pureology hydrate shampoo and conditioner.
Here are the products in loving so far with all my samples:
Redken Satinwear 02, Redken Wind Blown 05 hairspray, Garnier Fructis Mega Full thickening lotion, and Not Your Mothers Texture Sea Salt Spray. Not shown is Not Your Mothers Dry shampoo, that one is so good too! Ok, so Saturday we get home and Jaxon goes down for a nap and then things get real.... Because everyone I've seen on IG has been watching Making A Murder and I was intrigued because I LOVE a good conspiracy story! I created a trial Netflix account and downloaded the app JUST so I could watch it, and I seriously binge watched it all weekend! All 10 episodes in Eason 1!! That's a ridiculous amount of time for a Toddler Boy Mom!! I gave up sleeping, cleaning, scrap booking, yoga, working on my abs and perusing Pinterest in order to get through this series! I recommend it, but beware you WILL be sucked in and your mind WILL be blown!!
Today is when Jason was coming back, so I made sure that the house was clean and that groceries were already done by the time he got home! Otherwise Jax and I totally just lounged around the house and played together!
He made tons of messes and ate everything in sight! Crazy Turkey!
He's been watching Frosty as many times as we will let him. Apparently two year olds don't understand when Christmas is over.
And lastly, I finished the weekend with Sunday Runday and meal prep. The run was a crazy idea!! It was 28 degrees outside and I did not prepare well enough!! I made it to 4.5 miles, but after being outside that long I was freezing cold! I made the boys come to pick me up because I just couldn't handle the cold anymore! Good thing though-I made it 3.5 miles without knee paint, which is a huge improvement!
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