And just like that, three weeks of life passed by since my last post! Three weeks just disappeared. Flew by. Buh bye.
Why is it that when fall arrives, my excitement goes through the roof, but my energy seems to drop off a cliff?? The schedule is full, with something going every weekend, and the chores are falling behind at home. But all I seem to want to do is curl up on the couch and take a snooze.
If you want to catch up with me a little bit, here is what I've been busy with:
I finished an online Origami Owl party and got some cool new jewelry! I am loving the locket bracelet I got and wear it literally every day! I am so excited for the Christmas gifts I got for family too!! |
Are you surprised I would include gym pics?? I've still been at the rec center five days a week and doing a distance run on Sundays. I am still SO far from doing a pull up on my own, but I have been lifting heavier, holding a dead hang longer and trying some new exercises. |
I have been spending a ton of energy at work. I feel behind every single day because of all the new things I have been trying. I think they are positive changes, and things will be getting better in the classroom, but it's not an easy process. More on that later, I promise. |
I've been cleaning up after this crazy mess of a toddler!! Seriously, you take your eyes off him for one second and he is into everything! The day I took this photo, I was taking a shower and realized it was ALL too quiet. When I looked out to see what he was doing, he had my whole container of concealer painted on his face. It took a long while to get it cleaned off! |
We've been to the zoo twice, and once we saw all these cool lego animal displays. Jaxon loves the zoo and I love that he can run around and explore. |
We've been playing with hot wheels every day of our lives. This kiddo is obsessed with a capital O with all things cars and these hot wheels tracks have been his favorite thing lately. |
Me back at the gym...getting my ONE pull up!! |
We spent Labor Day in the mountains on a four wheeling trail. We didn't get to the lake at the end, because the quad wasn't working well in the altitude. Maybe we will try again sometime soon. Jaxon loved it nonetheless. |
All boy right here. |
Sick of gym pics yet? I have been keeping up with Lauren Gleisberg's six week Beauty and Booty challenge and have really enjoyed the challenge that she has put into every workout. I am really seeing progress and change, especially in my tummy. Mamas, you know how tough that tummy area is after a baby, right? |
We went with my entire family to Heritage Square to ride the Alpine Slide. It was an awesome day all together. We rode the rides, raced go karts and bumper boats, took old time photos and loved our bonding time. |
This is what the Alpine Slide looks like coming down the mountain. Jaxon still calls slides "wees" and sho uted wee all the way up and all the way down!! |
I totally think these adorable old time photos deserve permanent spots in picture frames around the house. I mean seriously, how adorable is that naked little cowboy baby butt?? |
Out on my Sunday run. I have made it back up to 7.5 miles even though it feels like I am starting over with my distance run progress. I have 6 weeks until the Beast race so I need to get my endurance back up to the half marathon level. Ugh. |
Right after my Sunday run, I went to my own photoshoot for beauty and headshot. My makeup and hair were professionally done, and even though I loved how it looked in the photos, I could never tolerate that much makeup every day!! It took so long to apply and felt so thick and heavy. No matter how hard I try, I am just not a makeup girl (other than my daily eye shadow and mascara). |
A friend gave Jaxon this adorable ball pit toy and he has been living in the thing!! He puts his blankets in there and uses it like a tent. He will sit inside and watch movies all day long if I let him. |
When I play with him, my hair ends up looking like this! I think this symbolizes how I feel in life right now... |
Last week, my new Erin Condren planner came in the mail and I was incredibly excited to start using it! I was positively amazed at the packaging, and how many extra treats they pack in with the planner! I have a whole post on it coming soon! This may be my new best friend. |
I think that's all for my crazy three week catch up!! I am working hard on new posts and will get back with those as soon as I can!!
I hope everyone is doing well as we transition into the fall season!
....................Things are busy and blessed here in this Little Life....................