Jaxon is no longer my little baby it seems like! I never got around to an 18 month update, so let's just call his 20 month update the same thing, shall we? Give a busy, workin' mama a break, ya?
He is still 32.5 inches tall and weighs 22 some pounds...but the weight is an estimate and he would never sit still enough to actually know accurately!
This little guy is ALL boy and keeps us running on our toes from 6:30 in the morning to 7:30 at night! He is a non stop busy body like his mom, and fearlessly in love with all things messy like his dad!
Thank goodness we have a fenced in large back yard, because I can let him play outside as much as he wants and not worry very much. He has dug himself a dirt hole over here! Don't judge the pink car toy...we got it free from Grandma and he loves it, so I figure why spend $40 for one that's more "masculine?"
Jax talks all day long now, but some of it I still can't quite understand. His vocabulary consists of:
choo choo
There are a few words I have to translate for people, like:
nanny = daddy, as we can't really make the D sounds effectively yet
night night = blanket, not bed time
mow = cat, his version of meow
nana = banana
There is also a word he says many times a day, that sounds like "moy" and is a word he is using to talk about coins and money. I just can't figure that one out!
He loves all things money related and will carry a handful of coins around from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed if we let him! We have been very fortunate that he hasn't swallowed any coins!
He also loves everything having to do with water, he just hates being splashed in the face! He has enjoyed the pool, the lake, the hose in the yard, the water table, the bath tub, and running through every random puddle he encounters.
If Jaxon always got his way, he would live outside and spend every minute of his life outside. But, Mommy can't quite handle that, so we spend a couple hours a day indoors. Jaxon wants to be in the water, in the dirt, in the mud, in the grass, picking up rocks, watching bugs and frogs, checking out flowers and plants and of course, playing with the dogs all day-every day!
He got his first bee sting this month, also, but we were lucky he wasn't allergic and the swelling from it went away very quickly. Check out that swollen ear though!
Currently loves: playing with cars, running and jumping off things, hot dogs and cottage cheese, his pacifier and blanket, holding hands and sitting with Mommy, being tickled, playing with stickers, watching race cars, watching the movie Turbo, naps and his daily schedule.
I can't think of many things he dislikes (other than sitting still), but I am not sure if that's because he doesn't have many dislikes, or if I just block out the tantrums he throws when he is unhappy.
First carousel ride. |
Driving with Grandma. |
Slides are a big hit! |
Happy 4th of July. |
Trucks and mud forever. |
Watching races with Daddy. |
Don't you just adore a sleeping baby? |
....................Babies are growing up too quick in this Little Life....................