I had a *few* extra moments just now and thought to myself "I would love to actually get a blog post written." So, happy as can be with my starbucks water cup in hand I sat down and put my hands to the keys and....nothing.
I just literally had no idea where to start.
But that's okay, I will just jump into the deep end and see where I come up for air! Let me just explain...there's just too many blessings in life to love and I want to fill my days with happiness and sometimes it means I am spread thin and exhausted.
So, let's talk October. October is my absolute, no questions asked, favorite month of the entire year. Yes, it happens to be my birthday month. But also, it's just a fun and beautiful time of year!!
It should also say "and goodbye, too" since I am blogging in November. I know, I know...
Last month the colors started popping up in the neighborhood and I took several trips to the pumpkin patch. One was just hubby and I as a day date and another was with my friend and her cutie-patootie daughter. We sat the two kiddos down in some leaves to try to take an early fall photo, which came out great. But shortly after the first snap, little miss started going after Jaxon and well, you can see how that went over...
I gave a little shot to some autumn decorating, but as time was very short for luxuries like that, this is what I ended up with.
I did however, find plenty of time to take photos with pumpkins. It's a must. No way around it. And they make really lovely additions to my Project Life pages.
Mid October was Homecoming week at school and that really pushed me over the edge energy wise. It took a lot of man power to keep up with those high schoolers. One fundraiser was them putting money in to see one of the teachers kiss a pig. Would you be surprised if I told you I was the lucky "winner?" Of course not, because I would do pretty much anything for my kiddos! So I puckered up...
That type of dedication deserved an extra blendicano...just sayin'.
Life with my little munchkin has been a blur. We have watched the movie cars more times than I would like to publicly admit. I've memorized some of the lines and I am going a little batty just thinking about it. Mr. Jax is obsessed with cars and can say most of the character names as well. At first I was a proud, impressed mama, and now I am wishing he would stop saying them over and over and over and over.
He's just too cute to stay mad at though...I mean seriously, look at that smile!
Most of my October free time was put into Beast training. I committed to do the longest of the Spartan races on Halloween and I wanted so badly to run the whole thing and do my best on all the obstacles. I ran every Sunday and worked my way up to 14 miles before the big event.
Then the time came and we traveled to Texas as a big happy family. Jaxon was such a good boy for the entire weekend!!
The race did NOT turn out like I had hoped, but that's enough for a whole other post. Let's just say I never lose. I either win or I learn...and I learned a whole lot from my first Beast!
I was so excited to reach a goal and finish that I couldn't hold the tears back at the finish line. I mean I was just so damn happy to get that free banana!!
There's a quick summary of October and I do hope to post about the Spartan race very soon!!
........................Things are busy, but beautiful, in this Little Life..........................